Saturday, April 24, 2021

C# Object Initializer and Collection Initializer Examples

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Console_Object_Initializer_Examples
    public class Cat
        // Auto-implemented properties of Cat.
        public int Age { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        //parameterless constructor
        public Cat()
        //parameterized constructor
        public Cat(string name)
            this.Name = name;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
              * The object initializers syntax allows you to create an instance, and after that it assigns the newly created object, with its assigned properties, to the variable in the assignment.
            //Object Initializer Examples
            Cat cat = new Cat { Age = 2, Name = "Mikey" };
            Console.WriteLine(cat.Name + " " + cat.Age.ToString());
            Cat AnotherCat = new Cat("Billy") { Age = 4 };
            Console.WriteLine(AnotherCat.Name + " "+ AnotherCat.Age.ToString());
            //Object Initializer of Anonymous type Examples
            var book = new { Genre = "Fiction",  Price=300};
            Console.WriteLine(book.Genre + " " + book.Price.ToString());

            //Object Initializer inside Collection Initializer
            List cats = new List
                new Cat{ Name = "Billy", Age=3 },
                new Cat{ Name = "Pussy", Age=5 },
                new Cat{ Name = "Meaun", Age=4 }

            foreach (var ct in cats)
                Console.WriteLine(ct.Name + ", "+ ct.Age);

Mikey 2
Billy 4
Fiction 300
Billy, 3
Pussy, 5
Meaun, 4

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