Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

JavaScript, How can we create a copy of Object Literal?

How can we create a copy of Object Literal?

In JavaScript, there are multiple ways to create a copy of an object literal. A copy can be either shallow or deep.

Shallow Copy: Duplicates only the top-level properties. If the object contains nested objects, the inner objects are still referenced (not duplicated).
Deep Copy: Duplicates the object and all nested objects, making an independent copy that doesn’t share references with the original.
Let's explore different methods for each type:

1. Shallow Copy Methods
Method 1: Using Object.assign()
Object.assign() is a method for creating a shallow copy of an object.

const original = { name: "Alice", age: 30 };
const copy = Object.assign({}, original); = "Bob";
console.log(; // "Alice" - original is not affected
console.log(; // "Bob"
Method 2: Using the Spread Operator {...}
The spread operator (...) creates a shallow copy of an object and is often simpler than Object.assign().

const original = { name: "Alice", age: 30 };
const copy = { ...original };

copy.age = 25;
console.log(original.age); // 30 - original is not affected
console.log(copy.age); // 25
2. Deep Copy Methods
For deep copies, we need methods that copy nested objects as well.

Method 1: Using JSON.parse(JSON.stringify())
A common way to create a deep copy is to convert the object to a JSON string and then parse it back into an object. However, this method has limitations (e.g., it won’t handle functions, undefined, Date, or special values like Infinity).

const original = { name: "Alice", age: 30, address: { city: "New York" } };
const deepCopy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original)); = "San Francisco";
console.log(; // "New York" - original is not affected
console.log(; // "San Francisco"
Method 2: Using a Recursive Function
For complex objects with nested properties, a recursive function can be used to create a true deep copy.

function deepClone(obj) {
    if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object") return obj;

    const copy = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};

    for (const key in obj) {
        copy[key] = deepClone(obj[key]);

    return copy;

const original = { name: "Alice", age: 30, address: { city: "New York" } };
const deepCopy = deepClone(original); = "San Francisco";
console.log(; // "New York" - original is not affected
console.log(; // "San Francisco"
Use Object.assign() or spread operator {...} for shallow copies.
Use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) for simple deep copies.
Use a recursive function for a more robust deep copy, especially with nested structures.

JavaScript, What is object literal in JavaScript?

What is object literal in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, an object literal is a way to define an object directly using a set of key-value pairs inside curly braces {}. It's one of the most common and straightforward ways to create objects in JavaScript.

Syntax of an Object Literal
Here's a simple example of an object literal:

const person = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 30,
    job: "Developer",
    greet: function() {
        console.log("Hello, " +;
Breakdown of the Syntax
Curly braces {}: Define the boundaries of the object literal.
Key-value pairs: Each entry in the object has a key (also called a property name) and an associated value.
Property values: These can be of any data type, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, functions, and even other objects.
Features of Object Literals
Concise and Readable: Object literals provide a concise way to create objects with properties and methods in one place.

Shorthand for Functions (ES6): You can define methods in an object literal more concisely:

const person = {
    name: "Alice",
    age: 30,
    greet() {
        console.log("Hello, " +;
Property Shorthand (ES6): If you have variables with the same name as the property, you can use shorthand notation.

const name = "Alice";
const age = 30;
const person = { name, age }; // equivalent to { name: name, age: age }
Computed Property Names (ES6): You can use expressions as property names by enclosing them in square brackets.

const propName = "age";
const person = {
    name: "Alice",
    [propName]: 30  // equivalent to age: 30
Example Usage

const car = {
    brand: "Toyota",
    model: "Corolla",
    year: 2021,
    start() {
        console.log(`${this.brand} ${this.model} is starting...`);

console.log(car.brand); // "Toyota"
car.start(); // "Toyota Corolla is starting..."
Benefits of Using Object Literals
Simplicity: No need for new keyword or a constructor function.
Flexibility: You can easily add or remove properties and methods after creating the object.
Readability: It’s easy to understand the structure of an object at a glance.
Object literals are widely used in JavaScript for creating objects with specific properties and methods quickly and are a foundational feature in JavaScript programming.

JavaScript, Everything in JavaScript is object. Is it true?

Everything in JavaScript is object. Is it true?

The statement "everything in JavaScript is an object" is somewhat misleading and not entirely accurate. While many things in JavaScript are objects or can be treated like objects, there are certain types of values that are not objects. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Primitive Data Types
JavaScript has seven primitive types, and these are not objects. They include:

Primitives differ from objects in that they are immutable (they cannot be changed once created) and are not instances of objects.

2. Wrapper Objects for Primitives
JavaScript provides wrapper objects for primitives, which allow you to treat them as if they were objects for the purpose of accessing methods. For example:

let str = "Hello";
console.log(str.length); // 5
Here, JavaScript temporarily wraps the string in a String object to access its .length property, but str itself remains a primitive value.

3. Functions
Functions in JavaScript are indeed objects. Specifically, they are instances of the Function object. This is why functions can have properties and methods.

4. Arrays
Arrays are also objects. They are instances of Array, which is a type of object specialized for handling indexed collections of data.

5. Special Objects Like null and undefined
null is considered a primitive type, but it is often thought of as an "empty" object reference. However, it is technically not an object itself.
undefined is also a primitive and not an object.
While JavaScript treats many things like objects and provides ways to interact with primitives as if they were objects (via wrapper objects), not everything in JavaScript is truly an object.

JavaScript, function hoisting

Does function hoisting take place in JavaScript?

Yes, function hoisting does occur in JavaScript, but it behaves differently depending on how the function is declared.

1. Function Declarations (Hoisted)
When you define a function using the function declaration syntax, JavaScript hoists the entire function definition (including the function body) to the top of its scope. This means you can call the function before it's declared in the code.


foo(); // Works because the function declaration is hoisted

function foo() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");
Here, the foo function is hoisted, and it can be called before the declaration.

2. Function Expressions (Not Hoisted)
If a function is assigned to a variable (i.e., using a function expression), only the variable declaration is hoisted, not the function itself. The function will be available only after the assignment in the code.


bar(); // Error: Cannot call a function before initialization

var bar = function() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");
In this case, the declaration var bar is hoisted, but the function is not assigned to bar until the line of code where it is defined. Therefore, trying to call bar() before the assignment results in an error.

3. Arrow Functions (Not Hoisted)
Arrow functions are also expressions, and like regular function expressions, they are not hoisted.


baz(); // Error: Cannot call a function before initialization

const baz = () => {
  console.log("Hello, world!");
Function declarations are hoisted entirely (both the function name and body).
Function expressions (including arrow functions) only hoist the variable declaration, not the function definition.

JavaScript, void(alert('hi')) vs alert('hi')

Is there any difference in JS:
<a href=":alert('hi');">click me</a><br>
    <a href=":void(alert('hi'))">click me2</a>

Yes, there is a difference between the two JavaScript code snippets:

First Snippet:

<a href=":alert('hi');">click me</a>
This creates a hyperlink that, when clicked, triggers the alert('hi') function.
After the alert is dismissed, the page will reload or navigate to the same URL because the href attribute contains JavaScript code that completes execution and causes a "default" page action (which is reloading or navigating to the current URL).
Second Snippet:

<a href=":void(alert('hi'))">click me2</a>
This also triggers the alert('hi') function when clicked, but the key difference is the use of :void(...).
The void operator ensures that the expression inside the parentheses is evaluated, but it prevents the browser from performing any default action (such as navigating or reloading the page). Essentially, the void operator makes sure that nothing is returned, and the page stays on the current location without triggering a navigation.
Summary of Key Difference:
The first snippet can cause a page reload or navigation after the alert.
The second snippet prevents any default page action by using void, so the page stays in its current state after the alert is displayed.

How to prove that in 1st case page reload happens?

To prove that a page reload happens in the first case (<a href=":alert('hi');">click me</a>), you can observe the following behavior:

Method 1: Check the URL after clicking the link
Step 1: Open the page with the first link in a browser (e.g., Chrome or Firefox).
Step 2: Inspect the URL in the address bar of your browser.
Step 3: Click the "click me" link. An alert box should appear with the message 'hi'.
Step 4: After dismissing the alert, observe the address bar. You'll notice that the URL either reloads or stays the same, depending on your browser’s behavior.
In most cases, the page will reload with the same URL after the alert box is dismissed because the href=":alert('hi');" executes JavaScript, and once the alert function finishes, the browser defaults to the usual behavior of navigating to the same URL.

Method 2: Check the page’s state using console.log
Step 1: Open your browser's Developer Tools (usually by pressing F12 or right-clicking and selecting "Inspect").
Step 2: In the "Console" tab, add console.log(window.location.href) to the JavaScript in your page. For example:

<a href=":console.log(window.location.href);alert('hi');">click me</a>
Step 3: After clicking the link and dismissing the alert, check the console output. If the URL has changed or the page has reloaded, you'll see the same URL printed again after the alert.
Method 3: Set a timeout to check the reload
Step 1: Add the following script to your page to log when the page reloads:

    window.onbeforeunload = function() {
        console.log("Page is reloading");
Step 2: Click the link. After the alert is dismissed, check the browser's developer console. If the page reloads, you will see the message "Page is reloading" in the console.
In this case, the page reloads because the default behavior of the anchor tag is triggered when no explicit return false or void is used to prevent the navigation.

Explain output:
      function test() {
        var x = 100;
        window.y = 200;
      console.log(window.y); // 

In the given script:

  function test() {
    var x = 100;  // Local variable within the function
    window.y = 200;  // Global variable assigned to the window object
  console.log(window.y);  // Logs the global variable `y` on the `window` object
  console.log(x);  // Tries to log the local variable `x`
Explanation of Output:

The window object represents the global context in the browser. The variable y is assigned to window inside the test() function, making it a global variable. Since y is assigned to window, it becomes accessible globally.
Output: 200 (the value of window.y that was set inside the function).

The variable x is declared inside the test() function using var, which means it is local to the test() function. It is not accessible outside the function.
Output: ReferenceError: x is not defined (since x is not defined in the global scope).
So, the correct output would be:


ReferenceError: x is not defined

In Javascript, what will be output

In JavaScript, the output of the script you provided would be as follows:

  function test() {
    var x = 100;  // Local variable within the function
    window.y = 200;  // Global variable assigned to the window object
  console.log(window.y);  // Logs the global variable `y` on the `window` object
  console.log(x);  // Tries to log the local variable `x`
Detailed Explanation:

The variable y is assigned to window.y inside the test() function. Because window.y is accessible globally (attached to the global window object), the value of window.y can be logged even outside the function.
Since the function test() has not been called yet, the value of window.y will be undefined because it has not been set.
Output: undefined.

The variable x is declared inside the test() function using var, making it a local variable within that function scope.
Outside the function, x is not defined. Therefore, trying to log x in the global scope will result in a ReferenceError.
Output: ReferenceError: x is not defined.
Final Output:

ReferenceError: x is not defined
If you want window.y to be accessible and to avoid the error with x, you would need to call the test() function first:

  function test() {
    var x = 100;  
    window.y = 200;  
  test();  // Call the function to initialize `x` and `window.y`

  console.log(window.y);  // 200
  console.log(x);  // ReferenceError: x is not defined
In this case, window.y will be 200, but x will still throw a ReferenceError because it's local to the function scope.

But i am getting undefined

You're getting undefined for window.y because the test() function has not been called before you try to log window.y. In JavaScript, variables assigned to the window object (or global scope in browsers) only become available once the code that assigns them is executed.

Let's go through the code again, step by step:

  function test() {
    var x = 100;  // Local variable inside the function
    window.y = 200;  // Global variable assigned to `window.y`
  console.log(window.y);  // Logs the value of `window.y`
  console.log(x);         // Tries to log the local variable `x`

At this point in the code, the test() function has not been called yet. The global object (window) does not have a y property, so window.y is undefined.
Output: undefined.

x is a local variable inside the test() function, and it is not defined in the global scope. So when you try to log x outside the function, it results in a ReferenceError.
Output: ReferenceError: x is not defined.
Correct Behavior:
If you want to log window.y as 200, you need to call the test() function before logging it:

  function test() {
    var x = 100;  // Local variable inside the function
    window.y = 200;  // Global variable assigned to `window.y`
  test();  // Call the function to initialize `window.y`

  console.log(window.y);  // Logs 200 because `window.y` is now defined
  console.log(x);         // ReferenceError: x is not defined because `x` is local to `test()`
Corrected Output:
window.y will now correctly log 200 because the test() function is executed before the log.
x will still result in a ReferenceError, because x is scoped to the test() function.
Final Output after Calling test():

ReferenceError: x is not defined
Why you're seeing undefined:
You are seeing undefined because window.y has not been set when you first attempt to log it. The function test() must be called for the assignment of window.y = 200; to happen.

JavaScript, difference between location, URL and documentURI properties of document

In JavaScript, what is difference b/w location, URL and documentURI properties of document?

In JavaScript, the properties location, URL, and documentURI of the document object provide information about the current page's location, but they have some differences in usage and behavior. Here's a breakdown of each:

1. document.location
Type: Location object
Description: Refers to the Location object, which contains information about the current URL of the document. Through this property, you can access various parts of the URL, such as href, protocol, hostname, pathname, etc., and it allows you to manipulate the URL directly.
document.location.href gives the full URL as a string.
document.location can be used to navigate to a new URL by setting it, like document.location = "".
Allows reloading the page or navigating to a different page by using document.location.reload() or document.location.assign().
2. document.URL
Type: String
Description: Returns the full URL of the document as a string.
Useful for simply getting the complete URL of the document in string form, but it does not allow any manipulation of the URL.
Example: document.URL might return "".
3. document.documentURI
Type: String
Description: Returns the document's URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) as a string, which in most cases is the same as document.URL.
Often interchangeable with document.URL, but it’s less commonly used.
Mainly exists for compatibility with the DOM Level 3 Core specification.
document.location: Provides a Location object with methods and properties to navigate or reload the document and access parts of the URL.
document.URL: A string representing the document's full URL. Read-only.
document.documentURI: A string also representing the document's URI, typically the same as document.URL.

JavaScript, How to loop through each property of document object where propert is not event?

How to loop through each property of document object where propert is not event?

To loop through each property of the document object in JavaScript, while excluding properties that are events, you can use a loop. By checking the type of each property, you can filter out the event properties.

Here’s how you can do it:

for (let prop in document) {
    if (typeof document[prop] !== 'function' && !prop.startsWith('on')) {
        console.log(`${prop}: ${document[prop]}`);
Explanation loop iterates over all enumerable properties of the document object.
typeof document[prop] !== 'function': Filters out properties that are functions (which are typically event handlers).
!prop.startsWith('on'): Skips properties that start with 'on', as they usually represent events (like onclick, onload, etc.).
This will log only non-event, non-function properties of the document object.

JavaScript, Give example where all three parameters are used in predicate function

Give example where all three parameters are used in predicate function in JS:
const numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25, 29];
      let first = numbers.findIndex(myFunction);
      console.log('Number above 18:',numbers[first])
      function myFunction(value, index, array) {
        return value > 18;

Here's an example where all three parameters (value, index, and array) are used in the myFunction predicate function. Let’s modify myFunction to check if the value is above 18, is in an even index position, and is part of an array that has at least five elements.

const numbers = [4, 9, 16, 25, 29];

let first = numbers.findIndex(myFunction);
console.log('Number above 18:', numbers[first]);

function myFunction(value, index, array) {
  // Check if the value is above 18, is at an even index, and the array has at least 5 elements
  return value > 18 && index % 2 === 0 && array.length >= 5;
In this example:

value > 18 checks if the number is above 18.
index % 2 === 0 checks if the index is even.
array.length >= 5 checks if the array has at least 5 elements.
When you run this code, it will log the first number above 18 that is at an even index in an array with at least 5 elements.

JavaScript, Does Object has similar dual-nature like String in Javascript?

Does Object has similar dual-nature like String in Javascript?
Yes, Object in JavaScript has a dual nature similar to String. Just like String, Object serves both as a constructor function and a global object. Here's how Object functions in both of these roles:

1. Object as a Constructor Function:
Object is a constructor function that you can use to create new plain objects.
When you use new Object(), you create an instance of a general object that can store key-value pairs (properties and methods).
This is a very basic way to create an object in JavaScript, although in practice, most objects are created using the object literal syntax {}.

const obj = new Object(); // Creates an empty object = 'Alice';
obj.age = 25;
console.log(obj); // { name: 'Alice', age: 25 }
console.log(obj instanceof Object); // true
Here, obj is an object created using the Object constructor. It behaves like a plain object, and it can have properties added to it.

2. Object as a Global Object:
Object is also a built-in global object in JavaScript. It provides static methods that are commonly used for working with objects in JavaScript.
You can use Object as an object to access methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.assign(), and Object.create().
Object also serves as the prototype from which all JavaScript objects inherit, meaning all objects in JavaScript are descendants of Object.prototype.

const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };

// Using Object's static methods
const keys = Object.keys(person);   // ['name', 'age']
const values = Object.values(person); // ['Alice', 25]

console.log(keys);   // ['name', 'age']
console.log(values); // ['Alice', 25]
In this example, Object is used as a global object to access the static method Object.keys() to retrieve the keys of the person object.

3. Object as the Prototype for All JavaScript Objects:
Every JavaScript object inherits from Object.prototype. This means that all objects in JavaScript (created either using the object literal {} or new Object()) have access to methods and properties defined on Object.prototype, such as toString(), hasOwnProperty(), and valueOf().

const obj = { name: 'Alice' };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('name')); // true
Here, hasOwnProperty is a method defined on Object.prototype, which is inherited by all objects.

Summary of Dual Nature:
Feature Object as a Constructor Object as a Global Object
Definition A constructor function used to create plain objects. A built-in global object providing static methods.
Usage Used with new Object() to create objects. Provides static methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), etc.
Prototype Objects created from Object inherit from Object.prototype. Object.prototype is the prototype for all objects in JavaScript.
Memory/Behavior Creates a new object instance. Provides utility methods for working with objects.
Example Showing Both Roles:

// Using Object as a constructor
const obj1 = new Object();  // Creates a plain object = 'Alice';
console.log(obj1); // { name: 'Alice' }

// Using Object as a global object (static methods)
const obj2 = { age: 30, job: 'Engineer' };
const keys = Object.keys(obj2); // ['age', 'job']
console.log(keys); // ['age', 'job']
Object functions as a constructor function to create new objects, allowing you to create plain objects dynamically.
Object also serves as a global object, providing various static methods (like Object.keys(), Object.create()) to manipulate and interact with objects, and is the prototype for all JavaScript objects.

JavaScript, How to do multi-level sorting if objects have multiple properties?

How to do multi-level sorting if objects have multiple properties?

For multi-level sorting, you can chain comparisons in your sorting function. This approach will evaluate each property in sequence, moving to the next property only if the previous one results in equality.

Here’s a general approach in JavaScript:

const array = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 25, salary: 50000 },
  { name: "Bob", age: 25, salary: 70000 },
  { name: "Charlie", age: 30, salary: 60000 },
  { name: "David", age: 25, salary: 50000 }

// Sort by age (ascending), then by salary (descending), and then by name (ascending)
array.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a.age !== b.age) {
    return a.age - b.age; // Sort by age (ascending)
  if (a.salary !== b.salary) {
    return b.salary - a.salary; // Sort by salary (descending)
  return; // Sort by name (ascending)

Primary Sort - Sort by age in ascending order: a.age - b.age.
Secondary Sort - If age is the same, sort by salary in descending order: b.salary - a.salary.
Tertiary Sort - If both age and salary are the same, sort by name in ascending order:
Using a Dynamic Multi-Level Sort Function
If you have many properties or want a reusable function, you can create a dynamic multi-level sort function like this:

function multiLevelSort(array, ...sortCriteria) {
  return array.sort((a, b) => {
    for (const [property, order] of sortCriteria) {
      const direction = order === "asc" ? 1 : -1;
      if (a[property] < b[property]) return -1 * direction;
      if (a[property] > b[property]) return 1 * direction;
      // Continue to next property if values are equal
    return 0; // All properties are equal

const sortedArray = multiLevelSort(
  ["age", "asc"],       // Sort by age (ascending)
  ["salary", "desc"],    // Then by salary (descending)
  ["name", "asc"]        // Then by name (ascending)

This multiLevelSort function takes an array and a list of [property, order] pairs, making it flexible to handle various sorting orders and properties.

JavaScript, How to do multi-level sorting if objects have multiple properties?

How to do multi-level sorting if objects have multiple properties?

For multi-level sorting, you can chain comparisons in your sorting function. This approach will evaluate each property in sequence, moving to the next property only if the previous one results in equality.

Here’s a general approach in JavaScript:

const array = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 25, salary: 50000 },
  { name: "Bob", age: 25, salary: 70000 },
  { name: "Charlie", age: 30, salary: 60000 },
  { name: "David", age: 25, salary: 50000 }

// Sort by age (ascending), then by salary (descending), and then by name (ascending)
array.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a.age !== b.age) {
    return a.age - b.age; // Sort by age (ascending)
  if (a.salary !== b.salary) {
    return b.salary - a.salary; // Sort by salary (descending)
  return; // Sort by name (ascending)

Primary Sort - Sort by age in ascending order: a.age - b.age.
Secondary Sort - If age is the same, sort by salary in descending order: b.salary - a.salary.
Tertiary Sort - If both age and salary are the same, sort by name in ascending order:
Using a Dynamic Multi-Level Sort Function
If you have many properties or want a reusable function, you can create a dynamic multi-level sort function like this:

function multiLevelSort(array, ...sortCriteria) {
  return array.sort((a, b) => {
    for (const [property, order] of sortCriteria) {
      const direction = order === "asc" ? 1 : -1;
      if (a[property] < b[property]) return -1 * direction;
      if (a[property] > b[property]) return 1 * direction;
      // Continue to next property if values are equal
    return 0; // All properties are equal

const sortedArray = multiLevelSort(
  ["age", "asc"],       // Sort by age (ascending)
  ["salary", "desc"],    // Then by salary (descending)
  ["name", "asc"]        // Then by name (ascending)

This multiLevelSort function takes an array and a list of [property, order] pairs, making it flexible to handle various sorting orders and properties.

JavaScript, How to sort an array which elements are objects?

How to sort an array which elements are objects?
To sort an array of objects, you can use the sort method in JavaScript, or similar methods in other programming languages, by providing a custom comparison function. This function will specify how to sort the objects based on one or more of their properties.

Here's an example in JavaScript:
const array = [
  { name: "Alice", age: 25 },
  { name: "Bob", age: 20 },
  { name: "Charlie", age: 30 }

// Sort by age in ascending order
array.sort((a, b) => a.age - b.age);

In this example, we sort array by the age property in ascending order. The comparison function (a, b) => a.age - b.age returns a negative, zero, or positive number to indicate the order of a and b:

A negative value means a comes before b.
Zero means a and b are equal in terms of sorting.
A positive value means b comes before a.
Sorting by Multiple Properties
You can also sort by multiple properties, such as sorting by age first and then by name if ages are the same:

array.sort((a, b) => {
  if (a.age === b.age) {
    return; // Sort by name if age is the same
  return a.age - b.age; // Otherwise, sort by age

Sorting in Descending Order
For descending order, simply reverse the comparison:

array.sort((a, b) => b.age - a.age);
These approaches apply to most programming languages, though the syntax might vary slightly depending on the language.

JavaScript, Does JavaScript support of abstract class?

Does JavaScript support of abstract class?
JavaScript does not natively support the concept of an "abstract class" like some other languages (such as Java or C#). However, with ES6 classes and some programming patterns, you can create similar behavior. Here are some ways to implement or simulate abstract classes in JavaScript:

1. Using a Base Class with Unimplemented Methods
You can define a base class and throw an error in its methods if they are not overridden by subclasses. This mimics the idea of an "abstract" method by enforcing that subclasses provide their own implementation.


class Animal {
    constructor() {
        if (this.constructor === Animal) {
            throw new Error("Abstract classes can't be instantiated.");

    makeSound() {
        throw new Error("Method 'makeSound()' must be implemented.");

class Dog extends Animal {
    makeSound() {

const dog = new Dog();
dog.makeSound(); // Output: Woof!

// Trying to instantiate Animal directly
// const animal = new Animal(); // Error: Abstract classes can't be instantiated.
In this example:

The Animal class cannot be instantiated directly because of the error thrown in the constructor if Animal itself is instantiated.
The makeSound method in Animal throws an error if not implemented in a subclass, enforcing that subclasses like Dog must implement makeSound.
2. Using Abstract Method Patterns
Another approach is to declare certain methods in the "abstract" class, which subclasses are expected to override. Instead of throwing errors, the abstract class can simply serve as a pattern or convention that developers follow.


class Vehicle {
    drive() {

    // Method meant to be overridden in subclasses
    honk() {
        console.warn("honk() should be implemented by subclass.");

class Car extends Vehicle {
    honk() {
        console.log("Beep beep!");

const car = new Car();; // Output: Driving...
car.honk();  // Output: Beep beep!
In this example:

The honk method in Vehicle is expected to be overridden by subclasses. If not, it just logs a warning as a reminder.
3. Using ES2022 # Private Fields for Abstract Members
For even stricter encapsulation, you can use private fields with the # syntax to simulate abstract properties or methods that subclasses must implement.


class Shape {
    constructor() {
        if (this.constructor === Shape) {
            throw new Error("Abstract class 'Shape' cannot be instantiated.");
        if (this.calculateArea === undefined) {
            throw new Error("Method 'calculateArea()' must be implemented.");

class Circle extends Shape {
    constructor(radius) {
        this.radius = radius;

    calculateArea() {
        return Math.PI * this.radius * this.radius;

const circle = new Circle(5);
console.log(circle.calculateArea()); // Output: 78.53981633974483

// const shape = new Shape(); // Error: Abstract class 'Shape' cannot be instantiated.
In this example:

Shape is considered an abstract class because it cannot be instantiated.
The method calculateArea must be implemented by subclasses like Circle, as Shape checks for it in the constructor.
JavaScript doesn’t have built-in abstract classes, but you can simulate them using:

Base classes with unimplemented methods that throw errors if not overridden.
Developer conventions and warnings for methods expected to be implemented in subclasses.
Private fields in ES2022 for stricter encapsulation.
For true abstract class support, you might consider using TypeScript, which provides syntax for abstract classes and methods.

JavaScript, Understanding Object and Object.prototype

In case of Object.prototype, Object is an object, not a constructor function. Correct me.
You're absolutely right! When discussing Object.prototype, Object is indeed an object, not a constructor function. Let me clarify the distinction between the different uses of Object and Object.prototype in JavaScript.

Understanding Object and Object.prototype
Object as a Constructor Function:

Object (with an uppercase "O") is a constructor function that is used to create plain objects. You can use it with the new keyword (e.g., new Object()), but it's more common to create objects using object literals {}.
Object as a constructor function is a function object. In this case, it's a function that you can call to create instances of generic objects.

const obj = new Object();  // Creates an empty object = 'Alice';
console.log(obj); // { name: 'Alice' }
Object as a Global Object:

Object (the global object) provides static methods and acts as the base constructor for objects in JavaScript. It is the global object that defines utility methods like Object.keys(), Object.assign(), Object.create(), etc.
This global Object is not an instance of a constructor function but a built-in function used for object-related operations.

const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };
const keys = Object.keys(person); // ['name', 'age']
console.log(keys); // ['name', 'age']

Object.prototype is the prototype object that every object in JavaScript inherits from. It is not a constructor but an object that provides shared properties and methods (such as toString(), hasOwnProperty(), etc.) to all instances of objects.
When you create a new object (whether using {} or new Object()), that object will have Object.prototype as its prototype. This means that methods like toString() and hasOwnProperty() are available to all objects by default.

const obj = { name: 'Alice' };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('name')); // true
Key Points:
Object (the constructor) is a function, used to create generic objects, but Object.prototype is an object.
Object.prototype is not a constructor function but the object from which all other objects inherit. It is the prototype object that all objects (created using new Object() or {}) inherit from.
In Summary:
Object (capital "O") is a constructor function used to create objects.
Object.prototype is an object that serves as the prototype for all objects in JavaScript, containing methods that all objects inherit.
So, you're correct in noting that Object.prototype is an object, not a constructor function!

Does JavaScript support encapsulation? If yes, then how? Give an example.

Yes, JavaScript supports encapsulation, which is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming. Encapsulation allows an object to protect its internal state and behavior by only exposing a controlled interface. In JavaScript, encapsulation can be achieved in several ways, particularly with the use of closures, ES6 classes with private fields, and modules.

Here are a few ways to implement encapsulation in JavaScript:

1. Using Closures
In JavaScript, closures can be used to create private variables and methods. When you define a function inside another function, the inner function has access to the outer function’s scope, even after the outer function has executed. This allows private data to be encapsulated.


function Person(name) {
    let _name = name;  // private variable

    return {
        getName: function() {  // public method
            return _name;
        setName: function(newName) {  // public method
            _name = newName;

const person = Person('Alice');
console.log(person.getName()); // Output: Alice
console.log(person.getName()); // Output: Bob
console.log(person._name);     // Undefined, _name is private
In this example:

_name is a private variable, only accessible through the getName and setName methods, not directly outside the function.
2. Using ES6 Classes with Private Fields
With the introduction of ES2020, JavaScript now supports private fields in classes using the # symbol. These private fields can only be accessed within the class itself.


class Person {
    #name; // private field

    constructor(name) {
        this.#name = name;

    getName() {  // public method
        return this.#name;

    setName(newName) {  // public method
        this.#name = newName;

const person = new Person('Alice');
console.log(person.getName()); // Output: Alice
console.log(person.getName()); // Output: Bob
console.log(person.#name);     // Error, private field '#name' is not accessible
In this example:

#name is a private field and can only be accessed within the Person class.
3. Using Modules
JavaScript modules also provide a way to encapsulate variables and functions. When you define functions and variables within a module, only those exported can be accessed from outside the module.

Example (ES6 Modules)

// Private variable and function are not exported
const _name = 'Alice';
function _privateMethod() {
    return `Hello, ${_name}`;

export function publicMethod() {
    return _privateMethod();

import { publicMethod } from './person.';

console.log(publicMethod());  // Output: Hello, Alice
// Cannot access _name or _privateMethod as they are private
In this example:

Only publicMethod is exported, so _name and _privateMethod are encapsulated within the module and inaccessible from outside.
Encapsulation in JavaScript can be achieved through:

Closures: By defining private variables within function scopes.
Private fields in classes: Using the # syntax.
Modules: By exposing only the parts of code you wish to make public.

JavaScript, Does Object has similar dual-nature like String in Javascript?

Does Object has similar dual-nature like String in Javascript?
Yes, Object in JavaScript has a dual nature similar to String. Just like String, Object serves both as a constructor function and a global object. Here's how Object functions in both of these roles:

1. Object as a Constructor Function:
Object is a constructor function that you can use to create new plain objects.
When you use new Object(), you create an instance of a general object that can store key-value pairs (properties and methods).
This is a very basic way to create an object in JavaScript, although in practice, most objects are created using the object literal syntax {}.
const obj = new Object(); // Creates an empty object = 'Alice';
obj.age = 25;
console.log(obj); // { name: 'Alice', age: 25 }
console.log(obj instanceof Object); // true
Here, obj is an object created using the Object constructor. It behaves like a plain object, and it can have properties added to it.

2. Object as a Global Object:
Object is also a built-in global object in JavaScript. It provides static methods that are commonly used for working with objects in JavaScript.
You can use Object as an object to access methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), Object.assign(), and Object.create().
Object also serves as the prototype from which all JavaScript objects inherit, meaning all objects in JavaScript are descendants of Object.prototype.
const person = { name: 'Alice', age: 25 };

// Using Object's static methods
const keys = Object.keys(person);   // ['name', 'age']
const values = Object.values(person); // ['Alice', 25]

console.log(keys);   // ['name', 'age']
console.log(values); // ['Alice', 25]
In this example, Object is used as a global object to access the static method Object.keys() to retrieve the keys of the person object.

3. Object as the Prototype for All JavaScript Objects:
Every JavaScript object inherits from Object.prototype. This means that all objects in JavaScript (created either using the object literal {} or new Object()) have access to methods and properties defined on Object.prototype, such as toString(), hasOwnProperty(), and valueOf().

const obj = { name: 'Alice' };
console.log(obj.hasOwnProperty('name')); // true
Here, hasOwnProperty is a method defined on Object.prototype, which is inherited by all objects.

Summary of Dual Nature:
Feature Object as a Constructor Object as a Global Object
Definition A constructor function used to create plain objects. A built-in global object providing static methods.
Usage Used with new Object() to create objects. Provides static methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), etc.
Prototype Objects created from Object inherit from Object.prototype. Object.prototype is the prototype for all objects in JavaScript.
Memory/Behavior Creates a new object instance. Provides utility methods for working with objects.
Example Showing Both Roles:

// Using Object as a constructor
const obj1 = new Object();  // Creates a plain object = 'Alice';
console.log(obj1); // { name: 'Alice' }

// Using Object as a global object (static methods)
const obj2 = { age: 30, job: 'Engineer' };
const keys = Object.keys(obj2); // ['age', 'job']
console.log(keys); // ['age', 'job']
Object functions as a constructor function to create new objects, allowing you to create plain objects dynamically.
Object also serves as a global object, providing various static methods (like Object.keys(), Object.create()) to manipulate and interact with objects, and is the prototype for all JavaScript objects.

JavaScript, How is String both constructor function, and object in JavaScript?

How is String both constructor function, and object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, String is both a constructor function and an object because of its dual nature as a built-in function that can create string objects and as a prototype for string behavior. Here's how that works:

1. String as a Constructor Function:
Constructor functions in JavaScript are used to create new instances of objects.
String is a constructor function, meaning you can use it with the new keyword to create a new instance of a String object.
When you use new String(), it creates an object that wraps a primitive string value and allows you to access the methods and properties defined on the String.prototype object.

const strObj = new String('Hello');
console.log(strObj);        // String { 'Hello' }
console.log(strObj instanceof String); // true
In this case, strObj is an object that contains the string 'Hello', but it also behaves like an instance of the String constructor function. This means it has access to string methods like .toUpperCase(), .slice(), etc., from String.prototype.

2. String as an Object:
String is also a global object, which means it is available as part of JavaScript's standard library. As a global object, it has properties and static methods that you can use without instantiating a string object.
You can use String as an object directly to access static methods or to convert other types to strings. For example, you can use String() to convert other data types (numbers, booleans, etc.) into a string.

const num = 123;
const str = String(num); // Converts the number to a string
console.log(str);        // '123'
In this case, String() is used as an object to convert a primitive value (number) into a string.

Dual Nature Explained:
Constructor Function: When you use String with the new keyword (i.e., new String('Hello')), it creates an instance of the String object. This allows you to call methods from String.prototype on the object. This is similar to how you can use other constructors like Array, Date, etc., to create instances of their respective types.

Object: String is also a built-in global object that provides utility methods, such as String.prototype methods (like .slice() and .toUpperCase()), and static methods like String(), which can be used to convert other values into strings or to access string-related functionality.

Example Showing Both Roles:

// Using String as a constructor function
const strObject = new String('Hello, World!');
console.log(strObject instanceof String); // true
console.log(strObject.toUpperCase()); // 'HELLO, WORLD!'

// Using String as an object to convert another value to string
const num = 100;
const strFromNum = String(num);
console.log(strFromNum); // '100'
As a constructor function, String can create new string objects when used with the new keyword.
As an object, String provides static methods and utility functions (such as String() to convert values to strings) and represents the prototype from which string objects inherit methods like .toUpperCase() and .slice().

JavaScript, difference between String and string

What is difference between String and string in Javascript?

In JavaScript, there is a subtle but important difference between String (with an uppercase "S") and string (with a lowercase "s"). Here's the distinction:

1. String (with an uppercase "S"):
String is a constructor function and a built-in object in JavaScript.
You can use String to create a new string object or to call static methods such as String.prototype methods.
String is also used to convert other data types to a string (using String() function).
It creates objects that are instances of the String class, which means they can have methods available through the String.prototype.

let strObject = new String('Hello, world!');
console.log(strObject instanceof String); // true
In this example, strObject is an object that wraps the string 'Hello, world!'. This object has methods defined on String.prototype, like .toUpperCase(), .slice(), etc.

2. string (with a lowercase "s"):
string refers to the primitive data type for representing text.
In JavaScript, strings are immutable and are primitive values, not objects.
When you use a string directly (e.g., 'Hello'), you're working with a string primitive, not an object. JavaScript automatically wraps these primitives with String objects when needed (e.g., to access string methods), but the value remains a primitive string.

let strPrimitive = 'Hello, world!';
console.log(strPrimitive instanceof String); // false
console.log(strPrimitive.toUpperCase());    // 'HELLO, WORLD!'
In this example, strPrimitive is a primitive string. Even though it's a primitive, JavaScript allows us to call methods like .toUpperCase() on it by temporarily converting it to a String object.

Key Differences:
Feature String (uppercase "S") string (lowercase "s")
Type A constructor function (also a global object). A primitive data type (not an object).
Creation Created using new String(). Created directly using a string literal ('...').
Behavior Represents an object that wraps a string. Represents a simple string value.
Methods Has methods available on String.prototype. Methods are available through automatic boxing (temporary object creation).
Memory Requires more memory because it is an object. Requires less memory as it's a primitive.
String (uppercase) is an object constructor, used to create string objects with methods that are part of String.prototype.
string (lowercase) is a primitive data type used to represent textual data. In most cases, you'll use strings as primitives, and JavaScript will automatically give you access to string methods without explicitly creating an object.

JavaScript, difference between object and Object

What is the difference between an object and the Object in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, there is a distinction between an object (a general concept) and the built-in Object (a constructor function). Here's the difference:

1. An Object:
An object in JavaScript refers to a collection of key-value pairs where the keys are usually strings (or symbols) and the values can be any valid data type (such as numbers, strings, arrays, other objects, functions, etc.).
Objects are used to store related data and functionality. They are fundamental structures in JavaScript and can be created using object literals ({}) or other methods.
Objects can have properties and methods that define their behavior and characteristics.
const person = {
  name: 'Alice',
  age: 30,
  greet: function() {
    console.log('Hello ' +;

console.log(;  // Output: Alice
person.greet();            // Output: Hello Alice
In this example, person is an object with properties (name, age) and a method (greet).

2. Object (Capital "O"):
Object (with a capital "O") is a built-in constructor function in JavaScript that is used to create new objects. It is part of JavaScript’s standard library.
Object can be used to create plain objects or to access methods like Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.create().
It is also the prototype for all JavaScript objects, meaning all objects inherit from Object.prototype.
// Creating an object using Object constructor
const obj = new Object(); = 'Alice';
obj.age = 30;

console.log(;  // Output: Alice
Here, Object is used as a constructor to create a new object.

Key Differences:
Feature An Object Object (Capital "O")
Definition A collection of key-value pairs. A built-in constructor function to create objects.
Usage Used to store and manage data in key-value pairs. Used to create new objects or access object-related methods.
Creation Created using {} or by using new Object(). new Object() creates an empty object.
Prototype All objects inherit from Object.prototype. Object is the constructor for all objects in JavaScript.
An object is a data structure that contains properties and values.
Object (with a capital "O") is a JavaScript constructor function used to create objects and also provides utility methods to work with objects.

JavaScript, difference between constructor function and object

What is difference between constructor function and object in Javascript?
In JavaScript, constructor functions and objects are related but serve different purposes. Here's a breakdown of the difference:

1. Constructor Function:
A constructor function is a special function used to create new instances of objects.
It is typically used with the new keyword to instantiate an object and set up properties or methods for that object.
Constructor functions are like blueprints for creating objects, where each new instance created by the constructor will have its own set of properties.
By convention, constructor function names are written in PascalCase (e.g., Person, Car).

function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

// Creating a new instance of Person
const person1 = new Person('Alice', 30);
const person2 = new Person('Bob', 25);

console.log(; // Alice
console.log(; // Bob
In this example, Person is a constructor function that defines the structure of Person objects.

2. Object:
An object in JavaScript is a collection of properties and methods, where each property is a key-value pair.
Objects can be created in several ways, including using object literals {} or through a constructor function (as shown above).
Objects represent real-world entities or values, like a car object with properties like color, model, and year.

const car = {
  color: 'red',
  model: 'Toyota',
  year: 2020

console.log(car.color); // red
console.log(car.model); // Toyota
Here, car is an object that holds key-value pairs representing the car's properties.

Key Differences:
Feature Constructor Function Object
Purpose Used to create new instances of an object. Represents a specific instance of data.
Syntax Defined using a function and typically used with new. Created using {} or via a constructor function.
Usage Defines the blueprint for creating objects. Holds actual data or state.
Creation const obj = new ConstructorFunction(); const obj = { key: value };
Properties/Methods Constructor function can define shared properties/methods for instances. Objects hold specific properties and methods for the instance.
A constructor function is a function used to define a template for creating objects.
An object is an instance created based on a constructor or literal notation, holding specific data or functionality.

JavaScript, the difference between Object and Object.prototype

What is the difference between Object and Object.prototype in JavaScript?

In JavaScript, Object and Object.prototype serve distinct purposes:


Object is a global constructor function that allows you to create an instance of a generic JavaScript object.
It can be used directly to create new objects, e.g., let obj = new Object();.
You can also use Object's static methods, like Object.keys(), Object.assign(), and Object.create().

Object.prototype is an object that serves as the prototype for all JavaScript objects created with Object.
Properties and methods defined on Object.prototype are inherited by all instances of Object.
For example, toString(), valueOf(), and hasOwnProperty() are methods available on Object.prototype, meaning every object created from Object inherits these methods unless overridden.
Key Difference: Object is a constructor function that creates objects, while Object.prototype is an object that provides shared properties and methods for all instances created from Object.

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