Monday, October 28, 2024

ASPNET Core Razor pages, Different directives used

The @page directive

The @page directive in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages is crucial because it designates a Razor file as a Razor Page, allowing it to handle HTTP requests directly without requiring a controller. This directive is often used in files with the .cshtml extension within Razor Pages applications. Here's how it works and what it enables:

Key Features of the @page Directive

  1. Enables Page Routing: When the @page directive is at the top of a .cshtml file, it turns the file into an endpoint that can respond to HTTP requests. The URL path for this page corresponds to the file path within the Pages directory structure by default.
  2. Supports Custom Routing: You can specify custom routes directly with the @page directive. For example:

@page "/custom-route"

This allows the page to be accessible at /custom-route instead of its default path.

  1. Parameter Binding: Razor Pages support route parameters through the @page directive. You can declare route parameters as part of the URL. For example:

@page "/product/{id:int}"

Here, the id parameter is passed as an integer and can be accessed within the Razor Page.

  1. Eliminates the Need for Controllers: Unlike MVC applications, Razor Pages applications do not require controllers to handle specific routes. Each Razor Page can act as a self-contained handler for a route, reducing the need for additional controller classes.

Example of Usage

Consider the following Product.cshtml file with the @page directive:

@page "/product/{id:int}"
@model ProductModel

<h1>Product Details</h1>
<p>Product ID: @Model.Id</p>

Here, ProductModel would be a PageModel class (code-behind) that handles the business logic and data processing for the Razor Page. The URL path /product/5 would automatically map to this Razor Page, with 5 being assigned to id.


  • Direct Routing: Simplifies routing by associating each Razor Page with a route directly.
  • Modular Design: Each page can be handled independently, promoting modular and maintainable code.
  • Better for Simple Applications: Since you don’t need to configure routes in a separate controller file, it can simplify applications that are mainly page-based.

The @page directive is foundational in Razor Pages applications, making it easy to create responsive, route-driven pages in a structured and intuitive way.

The @model directive

The @model directive in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages is used to specify the type of the model that the Razor Page will use. This directive binds a specific C# class, typically a PageModel class, to the Razor Page, allowing you to access properties and methods defined in that model directly within the Razor view.

Key Features of the @model Directive

  1. Model Binding: The @model directive allows for strong typing in your Razor Pages. By specifying a model type, you can utilize the properties of that model directly within your .cshtml file, ensuring compile-time checks and IntelliSense support.
  2. Separation of Concerns: It promotes a clear separation between the presentation layer (the Razor view) and the business logic/data layer (the PageModel). This leads to better-organized code and easier maintenance.
  3. Accessing Model Properties: Once you declare a model with the @model directive, you can access its properties using the Model property in the Razor markup. This allows you to display dynamic data within your views.

Example of Usage

Consider the following setup where you have a ProductModel PageModel class that contains properties for product details:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;

public class ProductModel : PageModel


    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public decimal Price { get; set; }

    public void OnGet(int id)


        // Logic to fetch product data based on the id

        Id = id;

        Name = "Sample Product";

        Price = 19.99m; // For example




@page "/product/{id:int}"
@model ProductModel

<h1>Product Details</h1>
<p>Product ID: @Model.Id</p>
<p>Name: @Model.Name</p>
<p>Price: @Model.Price</p>

How It Works

  1. Declaration: In the Product.cshtml file, the @model directive specifies that this Razor Page will use the ProductModel class.
  2. Data Retrieval: The OnGet method in ProductModel is called when the page is accessed via an HTTP GET request. It populates the model properties with data (e.g., product details based on the id).
  3. Rendering: Within the Razor view, you can access @Model.Id@Model.Name, and @Model.Price to display the product information dynamically.


  • Strong Typing: Reduces errors by providing compile-time type checking and IntelliSense support in your Razor views.
  • Easy Data Binding: Simplifies the process of binding data to the view and accessing it directly.
  • Improved Readability: Enhances the readability of your code by making it clear what type of model the page is working with.

The @model directive is essential for building robust, maintainable, and type-safe Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core applications, enabling a seamless interaction between the view and its underlying data.

Different directives in Nutshell

In ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, various directives help manage different aspects of the page's functionality and structure. Here’s a list of some commonly used directives along with their descriptions:

1. @page

  • Purpose: Indicates that the file is a Razor Page and can handle HTTP requests.
  • Usage: Can specify routes and accept parameters.
  • Example@page "/products/{id:int}"

2. @model

  • Purpose: Specifies the type of the model the Razor Page uses.
  • Usage: Binds a PageModel class to the Razor view.
  • Example@model ProductModel

3. @using

  • Purpose: Imports a namespace, making its classes and types accessible in the Razor view.
  • Usage: Useful for organizing code and reducing fully qualified names.
  • Example@using MyApp.Models

4. @inject

  • Purpose: Injects a service into the Razor Page, enabling dependency injection.
  • Usage: Allows the use of services without explicitly creating instances.
  • Example@inject IProductService ProductService

5. @inherits

  • Purpose: Specifies a base class for the Razor Page.
  • Usage: Used when you want to inherit from a custom base page model.
  • Example@inherits MyCustomPageModel

6. @functions

  • Purpose: Defines methods and properties directly within the Razor view.
  • Usage: Allows for encapsulating logic or helper functions used within the view.
  • Example:

@functions {

    public string GetGreeting() => "Hello, World!";


7. @Html and @Url

  • Purpose: These are not directives per se, but they are commonly used helpers.
  • Usage:
    • @Html provides HTML helper methods for rendering HTML elements.
    • @Url provides URL generation methods for creating links.
  • Examples:

@Html.DisplayNameFor(m => m.Name)

@Url.Action("Index", "Home")

8. @section

  • Purpose: Defines a section that can be rendered in a layout page.
  • Usage: Allows for defining content that can be injected into a parent layout.
  • Example:

@section Scripts {

    <script src="~/js/custom.js"></script>


9. @if@foreach, and other control statements

  • Purpose: These are Razor syntax for embedding C# code in the view.
  • Usage: Used for conditionals, loops, and other control flow structures.
  • Example:

@if (Model.Products.Any())



        @foreach (var product in Model.Products)







These directives and constructs enhance the functionality and flexibility of Razor Pages, allowing for clean, maintainable, and powerful web applications. By using these directives, developers can effectively manage routing, dependency injection, and data binding, along with maintaining a clear separation of concerns between the view and its underlying data.

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