Here are the key aspects and features of records in C#:
1. Immutable by Default:
Records are immutable by default, meaning their values cannot be modified after creation. This is essential for creating reliable and predictable data structures.
2. Data-Centric:
Records are designed to represent data, making them an excellent choice for modeling objects that primarily hold data without behavior.
3. Concise Syntax:
C# records offer a concise syntax for defining properties and initializing their values. You can define a record using the record keyword, followed by the record's name and its properties.
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
4. Property Definitions:
Properties in a record are defined directly within the record declaration. The properties are implicitly read-only, meaning you cannot assign new values to them once the record is created.
5. Value Equality:
Records automatically implement value equality based on their property values. This means two record instances with the same property values are considered equal.
6. Deconstructor:
Records provide a deconstructor, which allows you to easily destructure a record into its constituent properties.
7. Inheritance and Overriding:
Records can inherit from other classes and interfaces, and you can override methods, including ToString(), GetHashCode(), and Equals().
Here's a simple example of using a record:
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
class Program
static void Main()
Person person1 = new Person("John", "Doe");
Person person2 = new Person("John", "Doe");
Console.WriteLine(person1.Equals(person2)); // Outputs: True
// Deconstruction
var (firstName, lastName) = person1;
Console.WriteLine($"First Name: {firstName}, Last Name: {lastName}");
Custom Constructor in Records
In C#, records are a special kind of type introduced in C# 9.0 that provides a succinct way to declare a type and is often used to model immutable data. Records automatically provide a default constructor, which initializes the properties of the record.
However, records in C# do not allow you to define a custom constructor explicitly. The default constructor is provided by the language and automatically initializes the properties based on the values provided during object creation.
Here's an example of a record in C#:
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName);
In this example, a Person record is defined with two properties: FirstName and LastName. The default constructor for this record is automatically provided by the compiler.
If you need custom initialization logic for your record, you can still use methods or factory methods to achieve the desired behavior:
public record Person(string FirstName, string LastName)
public Person(string fullName)
var parts = fullName.Split(' ');
FirstName = parts.Length > 0 ? parts[0] : string.Empty;
LastName = parts.Length > 1 ? parts[1] : string.Empty;
In this modified example, we have added a custom constructor Person(string fullName) that takes a full name and initializes the FirstName and LastName properties accordingly.
Keep in mind that records are primarily designed for immutability and straightforward data representation, so complex initialization logic is generally better suited for methods or factory methods.
C# Event Definition & Record
Can event be defined in record in C#?
In C#, events cannot be defined directly within a record type. Records are designed to be lightweight data structures that represent immutable values, and they are primarily used for data storage and retrieval. Events, on the other hand, are mechanisms used to provide notifications or callback functionality when something happens in a class or object.
If you need to define events in your C# code, you typically do so within a class rather than a record. Here's an example of how you would define an event within a class:
public class MyClass
public event EventHandler MyEvent;
public void DoSomething()
// Trigger the event when something happens
MyEvent?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
In this example, MyClass has an event called MyEvent, and you can subscribe to this event and handle its occurrences in other parts of your code.
Records are more suitable for scenarios where you want to define simple data structures with value semantics and automatic implementations of equality, immutability, and other features. Events are typically associated with classes that represent behavior or functionality.
If you need a combination of events and data storage, you can use a class to encapsulate both your data and event-handling logic.
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