Saturday, June 29, 2024

JavaScript modules

In JavaScript, a module is a reusable piece of code that can be exported from one program and imported for use in another program. Modules help in organizing code, managing dependencies, and maintaining the codebase by splitting it into smaller, manageable, and reusable components.

Types of Modules in JavaScript

There are mainly two types of modules in JavaScript:

1. ES6 (ECMAScript 2015) Modules:
ES6 introduced a standard way to define modules in JavaScript. These modules are commonly known as ECMAScript modules (ESM). They use import and export statements to include and share code between files.

- Exporting:
  // Named export
  export const myVariable = 42;
  export function myFunction() {
    // ...

  // Default export
  export default function() {
    // ...
- Importing:
  // Named import
  import { myVariable, myFunction } from './myModule.js';

  // Default import
  import myDefaultFunction from './myModule.js';

  // Import everything as an object
  import * as myModule from './myModule.js';

2. CommonJS Modules:
CommonJS is a module system primarily used in Node.js. It uses require to import modules and module.exports or exports to export modules.

- Exporting:
  // Using module.exports
  module.exports = {
    myVariable: 42,
    myFunction: function() {
      // ...

  // Using exports
  exports.myVariable = 42;
  exports.myFunction = function() {
    // ...

- Importing:

  const myModule = require('./myModule.js');
  const myVariable = myModule.myVariable;
  const myFunction = myModule.myFunction;

- ES6 Modules:
  • Native support in modern browsers and JavaScript engines.
  • Static module structure, which allows for static analysis and tree shaking (removing unused code).
  • Can be used both in the browser and in Node.js (with proper configuration).
- CommonJS Modules:
  • Widely used in Node.js environments.
  • Dynamic module loading, which can lead to more flexible but less optimizable code.
  • Not natively supported in browsers without a bundler or transpiler.
Other Module Systems:
- AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition):
  • Mainly used in browsers.
  • Uses define and require functions.
    define(['dependency'], function(dependency) {
      const myModule = {};
      return myModule;

- UMD (Universal Module Definition):
  •   A hybrid module format that works with both CommonJS and AMD.
    (function (root, factory) {
      if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD
        define(['dependency'], factory);
      } else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
        // CommonJS
        module.exports = factory(require('dependency'));
      } else {
        // Browser globals
        root.myModule = factory(root.dependency);
    }(this, function (dependency) {
      const myModule = {};
      return myModule;

Using Modules in the Browser: To use ES6 modules in the browser, you can use the type="module" attribute in the <script> tag.

  <script type="module">
    import { myFunction } from './myModule.js';

Using Modules in Node.js: By default, Node.js uses CommonJS. To use ES6 modules, you need to set "type": "module" in the package.json file or use the .mjs file extension.

    "type": "module"

Modules play a crucial role in JavaScript development, allowing developers to build modular, maintainable, and scalable applications.

More about CommonJS and ES6 modules are given in the next post.

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