Friday, May 19, 2023

Origin of JavaScript and its History of Development

JavaScript was created in 1995 by a programmer named Brendan Eich for Netscape Communications Company. Brendan Eich worked in the same company and initially JavaScript was named LiveScript but to establish its market, it was renamed JavaScript after the famous programming language Java of that time to increase its market value.

It should be remembered that JavaScript and Java are not the same thing. JavaScript is a scripting language, on the other hand, Java is a full fledged general programming language. JavaScript was initially used only within web applications whereas Java can be used to build any type of applications. So there was no similarity between the two. Its name was changed to JavaScript in order to achieve success in marketing. Remember that era of 1995-2000 is remembered as browser war and all such efforts were made by the browser developing companies of that time to increase the market share so that it could become popular in the market. Even today, apart from some superficial similarities, JavaScript is not related to the Java programming language in any way.

After the release of JavaScript, more and more browsers started adding JavaScript support. Even so, JavaScript was not considered a serious programming language at the time. Its early releases were plagued by notable performance and security issues, but the developers had no choice. If they wanted to run the program in the browser, they had to use JavaScript.

A notable period in the history of JavaScript is 2008. In 2008, Google's creation of the open-source Chrome V8, a high-performance JavaScript engine, provided a turning point for JavaScript. The subsequent proliferation of faster JavaScript engines made it possible for developers to build sophisticated browser-based applications with performance that competed with desktop and mobile applications.
Soon after, Ryan Dahl released an open-source, cross-platform working ecosystem called Node.js. It provided a way to run JavaScript code from outside the browser. This freed JavaScript from browser limitations and directly led to the current popularity of JavaScript. Today, you can use JavaScript to write all kinds of applications, including browser, server, mobile, and desktop applications. Most major online companies today, including Facebook, Twitter, Netflix, and Google, use JavaScript in their products.

With the help of modern JavaScript, not only front end web applications can be created, but backend applications can also be created, apart from web applications it is possible to create desktop as well. Desktop applications are built with the help of the Electron framework of JavaScript. For example, Visual Studio Code has been built with the help of this framework.

Ajeet Kumar May 20, 2023

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