Following are the questions related to Base SAS.
- How many windows are displayed when a SAS session is started?
- How can I improve my knowledge about different SAS windows?
- What is enhanced editor window?
- How can I change the text color, size, font etc. of editor window?
- What is explorer window?
- What is log window?
- What do you mean by bug and debugging?
- How can I clear the contents of output, log or editor window?
- What is output window?
- How can I change the setting so that SAS displays the last output instead of first one?
- What is the object type for output window?
- What is displayed in RESULT window?
- There are certain terms or expression I use very often in codes. How can I create abbreviations for them?
- How can I record a keyboard macro?
- How can I convert selected text in editor window into comments?
- How can I create bookmark for a line?
- What are file shortcuts?
- How can I set the default output type?
- Enhanced editor window has many shortcuts. How can I read / know them?
- How can I place an icon at SAS tool bar for a command?
- How can I create objects of a catalog?
- Is it compulsory to specify data set name in data statement?
- Is it necessary to specify RUN statement at the end of DATA Step?
- What is INFILE statement?
- What is INPUT statement?
- What is difference between input and infile statement?
- Write various options used in infile statement.
- What is FLOWOVER?
- What is MISSOVER?
- What is STOPOVER?
- What is RECFM=N option of infile statement?
- What is LENGTH=variable option of infile statement?
- What difference is between put and file statement?
- What is list input method?
- What is formatted input method?
- What is an informat?
- What is difference between list input and formatted input methods?
- What are various Pointer control features?
- What are Column pointer controls?
- Explain Line pointer control.
- Explain Line hold control.
- Explain Binary file indicator controls.
- Explain pattern searching feature.
- What is the meaning of $ symbol in input statement?
- What is the meaning of & symbol in input statement?
- When should I use list input method?
- Explain Record Directives.
- How can I test EOF condition?
- What are differences between SAS data step and IML?
- What is the role of LRECL=operand in FILE statement?
- Explain PUT statement.
- How is permanent data set created?
- What is library?
- Is it necessary to provide library reference in LIBNAME statement apart from folder path for physical location of the library folder?
- What is IML?
- What is difference between FILENAME and FILEPATH?
- Differentiate between CARDS, LOG and PRINT filenames?
- What are two major types of external files?
- How can I read a binary file?
- I have created a data set. How can I know about the descriptive information of this data set?
- How to write the SAS output in a text file?
- How to see the output in log window?
- Can we use label statement in PROC step?
- What is the use of PROC format?
- How can you view the built-in formats?
- What is the use of PUT _PAGE_?
- What is the use of PUT _ALL_?
- Suppose you have created a format folder XX. Now if you wish to see the format definitions of XX then what will you do?
- How does SAS search for formats?
- How can you create SAS data set from an excel file?
- How can you create an excel file from SAS data set?
- How can you activate command bar?
- What is RECALL command?
- What are the uses of VIEWTABLE?
- How can I create a SAS data set without using program?
- What is the function of LENGTH statement?
- Who can manipulate SAS configuration file?
- Explain LRECL=n option in INFILE statement?
- What is difference between $n. and :$n.?
- What is &$n.?
- What is @@?
- Write some options commonly used in INFILE statement.
- What is difference between compile and execution stages?
- What is program data vector?
- How can I improve my knowledge about different SAS windows?
- What is a SAS data set?
- What is SAS data view?
- SAS doesn’t allow special characters in naming data sets or variables. Why?
- What are SAS automatic variables? Give two examples.
- What is SAS data set descriptor?
- Do SAS data views have data values?
- What do you mean by the statement: “SAS is a free-form and case-insensitive language”?
- Is there any difference between CARDS and DATALINES?
- What is NULL statement?
- What are stored in a SAS catalog?
- What is SAS Data Step?
- Name some objects generated after SAS Data Step?
- What is SAS batch mode?
- How can I run SAS from RUN dialog box?
- How can I run SAS from COMMAND prompt?
- What is program editor window?
- What is Text Editor?
- How can I execute SAS code by writing in notepad?
- How can I place SAS commands on tool bar?
- How can I change the text color, size, font etc. of enhanced editor window?
- How can I disable log details?
- How can I send the contents of log, editor or output window into a text file or word file?
- How can I send the content of a text file into SAS editor window?
- How can I change the setting so that SAS displays the last output instead of first ones?
- What happens if I use CTRL+N in explorer window?
- What happens if I use CTRL+N in libraries window?
- What happens if I use CTRL+N in a library window?
- How can you create a catalog, query or table?
- What is difference between query and table?
- How can I know about column attributes of a table?
- What are the object types for output window?
- What is TRUNCOVER?
- What is LOSTCARD?
- Differentiate between DLM and DSD options of infile statement?
- What is difference between & and : format modifiers?
- What is difference between input data set and output data set?
- What is difference between system options and data set options?
- What is difference between statement options and data set options?
- How is date time constants created?
- Write the mnemonic equivalent operators for logical operators.
- Give two examples of global statement.
- Write various options and statements used in page layout setting?
- How can I print the values of _N_ of a data step?
- Why input buffer is not needed to read SAS data set but is required in case of reading an external file?
- Write the steps needed to read data from a text file(TAB delimited) using import wizard.
- What is difference between FIRSTOBS and OBS options?
- What is the role of DBMS option in PROC IMPORT?
- What is GETNAMES statement?
- What is DATAROW statement?
- Create a named input data text-file and read it.
- What is difference between KEEP statement and KEEP option?
- Which one is more efficient - DROP statement and DROP option? Discuss.
- My friend writes filepath in single quote but I write in double quote. Which one is better?
- What is the use of RENAME data set option?
- I am trying to edit some data in VIEWTABLE but editing doesn’t take place. Why?
- How can I display the VIEWTABLE in output window without using PROC PRINT?
- Discuss about Form view and Table view of a data set.
- How can I toggle line numbers in editor window?
- How can I create multiple editor windows and arrange them.
- What is the use of NEW WINDOW?
- How many data sets can be mentioned in data statement?
Updated on 6 July 2023
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