Monday, June 8, 2020

VBA TypeOf

VBA TypeOf is followed by a reference type variable or expression which returns an object data type. This object type is compared with another reference type variable using IS keyword. The comparison returns a Boolean value. The negation is obtained using NOT.

The syntax is as follows:

booleanResult = TypeOf expression Is typename 
booleanResult = Not TypeOf expression Is typename 

Note that TypeOf  returns an object data type. where the expression evaluates to a reference data type.

  1. This operator is mostly used in conjunction with the Is keyword to compare objects.
  2. This cannot be used with value data types, only reference data types.
  3. We can use the TypeName function to return the data type as a string.
  4. We can use the VarType function to return a number indicating the data type.

Example 1

Sub TypeOfReferencevariable()
    ''Early binding
    Dim fs As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Set fs = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
    '' ref variable type comparison using IS operator
    If TypeOf fs Is Scripting.FileSystemObject Then
        Debug.Print TypeName(fs)
    End If
End Sub

Example 2

Sub TypeOfRefvariable()
    ''Late binding
    Dim fs As Object
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    '' ref variable type comparison using IS operator
    If TypeOf fs Is Object  Then
        Debug.Print TypeName(fs)
    End If
End Sub

Example 3

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    Dim ctrl As Control
    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
       If TypeOf ctrl Is MSForms.TextBox Then
          ctrl.Text = vbNullString
       End If
End Sub

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