Thursday, December 14, 2023

SQL Server How to Drop Database

In previous post, we have learnt how to create a database. In this post we will see how a database can be deleted by the user who has created it or by the admin with full privilege.

To delete a new database, you can use GUI (Graphic User Interface) or can use SQL command in the SQL server. First you will see the GUI approach to delete database.

GUI Approach

To delete a database in GUI mode, right click the database folder in Object Explorer window and click Delete menu item. If object Explorer window is not visible to you then click the View menu in Menu bar and click Object Explorer menu item. You can also open the Object Explorer window by pressing F8 key.

SQL Script Approach

The DROP DATABASE <database name> command will drop the database from SQL Server. For example, executing DROP DATABASE AppliedkDB statement will drop AppliedkDB database.

How can you switch off the logging for a SQL server database?

In the next post, you will learn about database architecture in a SQL Server.

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