Monday, February 19, 2024

SQL Server Rowset functions

Rowset function is function that returns an object which can be used in place of a table in another SQL statement. There are five Rowset functions in SQL Server which are as follows.


CONTAINSTABLE statement allows you to construct a virtual table from the result set of a complex Full Text Search. The syntax is slightly complicated. This function should be used on a table that is enabled for full text indexing. Full Text Searching means you are using 4G message for ji message based on farji search what the data you get that data is stored in Virtual Table using contents table function.

FREETEXTTABLE function is similar to ContainsTable function both generates virtual table based on Full Text Indexing information.

OPENQUERY function is used to use a query that returns rose on a linked server to return a virtual table. Open query function returns result set so after FROM clause you can use it as a table. The first parameter of this function is server name and second parameter is query.  The query returns result set from linked server given in the first parameter. Open query function is used in distributed transaction. 

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