Monday, June 24, 2024

React JS and Babel

The Babel project, initially known as 6to5, was created by Sebastian McKenzie. It's a JavaScript compiler that transforms ECMAScript 2015+ (ES6+) code into a backwards-compatible version of JavaScript that can be run in older browsers or environments that don't support the latest syntax and features.. It allows developers to use the latest JavaScript features without worrying about browser compatibility. Here ES6+ implies ES6 and its subsequent versions. 

While Babel itself isn't specifically created for React, it has become an integral part of the React ecosystem. React, developed by Facebook, introduced JSX, an XML-like syntax extension for JavaScript, to describe the structure of UI components. JSX needs to be transformed into regular JavaScript for browsers to understand it, and Babel can perform this transformation along with other modern JavaScript features.

So, while Babel isn't exclusively for React, it's commonly used in React projects to enable developers to write code using the latest JavaScript features and JSX syntax, while ensuring compatibility with older browsers and environments.

You can read Babel documentation at

Uses of Babel in React JS

1. JSX Transformation: React uses JSX, a syntax extension that looks similar to HTML but is used to write React components. Browsers do not understand JSX natively, so Babel is used to transform JSX code into regular JavaScript. For example, `<div>Hello, world!</div>` is transformed into `React.createElement('div', null, 'Hello, world!')`.

2. ES6+ Feature Transformation: Modern JavaScript Features: Babel allows React developers to use modern JavaScript features like arrow functions, classes, template literals, destructuring, spread/rest operators, etc., which might not be supported in older browsers.
- Code Compatibility: Babel ensures that the JavaScript code, regardless of the new syntax and features used, can be converted into a form that all browsers can understand.

3. Code Optimization: Plugins and Presets: Babel offers various plugins and presets that can optimize the code during the transformation process. For example, the `@babel/preset-env` preset allows you to target specific browsers and environments, automatically including only the necessary transformations and polyfills.

4. Workflow Integration: Build Tools: Babel integrates seamlessly with build tools like Webpack, which is commonly used in React projects. This integration ensures that all the JavaScript files are processed and transformed during the build process, resulting in a final bundle that is browser-compatible.

How Babel is Typically Used in a React Project

1. Installation: Babel can be installed via npm. Here is an example of installing Babel along with the necessary presets for a React project:
npm install --save-dev @babel/core @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react

2. Configuration: A `.babelrc` configuration JSON file is usually created in the project root to specify the presets and plugins to use. The following code in used in the JSON file.
"presets": ["@babel/preset-env", "@babel/preset-react"]

3. Integration with Build Tools:
- If you are using Webpack, you can configure it to use Babel for transforming JavaScript files:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: "babel-loader"

By leveraging Babel in a React project, developers can write modern, clean, and efficient JavaScript code while ensuring compatibility across different browsers and environments.

What is meant by preset in Babel?

In Babel, a preset is a predefined collection of plugins that are bundled together to provide specific functionality or to transform specific language features. Presets simplify the configuration of Babel by allowing you to use a set of plugins without having to specify each one individually. Read more at

Common Presets in Babel

1. '@babel/preset-env':

  • This is a smart preset that allows you to use the latest JavaScript features without needing to micromanage which syntax transformations (and optionally, browser polyfills) are needed by your target environment(s).
  • It includes all plugins required to support the latest ECMAScript features.

2. '@babel/preset-react':

  • This preset includes plugins needed to transform JSX syntax and other React-specific code.
  • It also supports the transformation of modern JavaScript features.

How Presets Work

Presets in Babel are specified in the '.babelrc' configuration file (or 'babel.config.js'), and they tell Babel which transformations to apply to the code. By using presets, you can ensure that all necessary transformations are applied consistently across your project.

Example of Configuration with Presets

Here’s how you can use presets in a '.babelrc' JSON file:
"presets": [

What Each Preset Does

  • '@babel/preset-env': Automatically determines the Babel plugins and polyfills you need based on your target environments (e.g., specific browsers or Node.js versions).
"presets": [
["@babel/preset-env", {
"targets": {
"browsers": ["> 0.25%", "not dead"]

This configuration tells Babel to transpile code for browsers that have more than 0.25% market share and are not end-of-life.

  • '@babel/preset-react':
  • Transforms JSX syntax into regular JavaScript function calls ('React.createElement').
  • Enables other React-specific transformations, such as handling of React's 'Fragment' syntax.

"presets": [

Benefits of Using Presets

  • Simplicity: Instead of manually adding numerous plugins, you can add a few presets that cover a wide range of transformations.
  • Consistency: Using presets ensures that all necessary transformations are applied uniformly across your codebase.
  • Future-proofing: Presets are maintained by the Babel team and the community, so they are updated to support new language features and transformations as JavaScript evolves.

Customizing Presets

While presets cover many common use cases, sometimes you might need to customize them to better suit your project's needs. This can be done by passing options to presets, as shown in the '@babel/preset-env' example above.

In summary, presets in Babel are essential for managing and applying groups of plugins that transform your JavaScript code. They streamline the setup process and ensure that your code is compatible with the target environments you specify.

Babel is compiler or transpiler?

Babel is primarily known as a transpiler rather than a compiler. Transpilers, short for "source-to-source compilers," take source code written in one programming language and produce equivalent source code in another language, usually with a different syntax or language feature set.

Babel, specifically, is widely used in the JavaScript ecosystem to convert ECMAScript 2015+ (ES6+) code into a backwards-compatible version of JavaScript that can be executed in older browsers or environments that do not yet support the latest JavaScript features. This process is often called "transpiling" because it involves transforming code from one version of JavaScript to another, rather than compiling it directly into machine code as traditional compilers do.

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