Monday, October 28, 2024

ASP.NET Core, Defining Endpoint

What is Endpoint?

In web technology, an endpoint is a specific URL (Uniform Resource Locator) where an API (Application Programming Interface) or web service can be accessed by clients (like web or mobile applications). Each endpoint corresponds to a specific resource or functionality provided by the server, allowing clients to interact with the server to retrieve, update, delete, or create data.

Endpoints are defined by:
  • Base URL: The main address of the API (e.g.,
  • Path: The specific path within the API that identifies a resource (e.g., /users, /products).
  • HTTP Method: The operation type used at the endpoint—typically, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH.
For example:
  • GET /users might retrieve a list of users.
  • POST /users might create a new user.
  • GET /users/{id} might retrieve a specific user by their ID.
  • PUT /users/{id} might update an existing user's details.
  • DELETE /users/{id} might delete a specific user.
Endpoints make it possible for clients to interact with a server's resources in a structured way, enabling a wide range of applications and services to communicate and exchange data.

What information is needed to create an endpoint?

Creating an API endpoint requires several key pieces of information to ensure it functions properly and serves the intended purpose. Here’s what is typically needed:

Base URL: The main domain or root URL of the API (e.g.,

Path: The specific path to identify the resource (e.g., /users, /products/{id}). Paths are usually descriptive of the resource they interact with.

HTTP Method: The type of operation the endpoint will perform, such as:
  • GET for retrieving data
  • POST for creating new data
  • PUT or PATCH for updating data
  • DELETE for removing data
  • Path Parameters: Part of the URL path (e.g., {id} in /users/{id}).
  • Query Parameters: Optional parameters to filter or refine results (e.g., /users?status=active).
Headers: Metadata sent with requests, such as Authorization, Content-Type, etc.

Request Body: The structure or schema for data sent to the server (mainly for POST, PUT, or PATCH methods). This often includes JSON or XML data with fields relevant to the endpoint's function.

Response Structure: Expected format of the data the endpoint will return, often including:
  • Status codes (e.g., 200 OK, 404 Not Found)
  • JSON or XML structure representing the response data
  • Any error messages or codes if the request fails
Authentication and Authorization: Requirements for access, such as API keys, OAuth tokens, or other authentication methods that secure the endpoint.

Error Handling: Defined error responses for scenarios like invalid data, unauthorized access, or resource not found, providing clarity for API users.

Rate Limiting (optional): Any throttling or usage limits that apply to the endpoint, typically to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage.

Having this information ensures the endpoint is functional, secure, and well-documented for clients to interact with effectively.

What is invalid Endpoint?

An invalid endpoint refers to a URL or API route that doesn’t exist or cannot be processed by the server, resulting in an error. This usually happens when a client tries to access an endpoint that:
  • Doesn’t Exist: The URL or path specified does not match any valid endpoint on the server, leading to a "404 Not Found" error.
  • Incorrect HTTP Method: The endpoint exists, but the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) used is not supported for that route, resulting in a "405 Method Not Allowed" error.
  • Malformed URL or Syntax Errors: Typos, incorrect URL formats, or missing parameters in the endpoint can make it invalid.
  • Insufficient Permissions or Authentication: When authentication or authorization is required but missing or incorrect, the endpoint access is invalidated, resulting in a "401 Unauthorized" or "403 Forbidden" error.
  • Incorrect Data Types or Missing Parameters: When the request lacks required parameters or contains invalid data types that prevent the endpoint from functioning.
  • Invalid endpoints prevent the server from executing the intended actions, leading to various error responses. These issues are typically handled by the server to inform the client of the specific problem.

Metadata of Endpoints

In web technology, "metadata of endpoints" refers to additional information or descriptive data associated with API endpoints that helps in defining, managing, and utilizing them effectively. Metadata provides a way to describe what an endpoint does, its parameters, expected input/output, security requirements, and more. Here are some key points often included in endpoint metadata:

  • Endpoint Name and URL: The URL path of the endpoint and a name that describes its purpose.
  • HTTP Method: Specifies the HTTP method used (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to access the endpoint.
  • Description: A brief explanation of what the endpoint does, its functionality, and its purpose.
  • Parameters: Information on the parameters required or optional for the endpoint, including query parameters, headers, and path parameters.
  • Request Body Schema: The expected format or schema for any data that must be sent with the request, typically in JSON or XML.
  • Response Data: Describes the structure and type of the response the client will receive, including status codes, response format, and example data.
  • Error Codes and Messages: Possible errors the endpoint might return, along with status codes and messages for troubleshooting.
  • Authentication Requirements: Specifies if the endpoint requires authentication, like a bearer token, API key, or OAuth.
  • Rate Limiting: Information on the rate limits or throttling policies that apply to the endpoint.
  • These details are typically documented in formats like OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications, which help developers understand how to use the API effectively and ensure consistent communication between the client and server.

Metadata of Endpoints in ASPNET Core

In ASP.NET Core, metadata is a way to store additional information about endpoints that can be accessed during request processing. Metadata is especially useful for configuring middleware, adding filters, and enabling custom behaviors. Here are some common ways to work with endpoint metadata in ASP.NET Core:

1. Using EndpointMetadata Collection

Every endpoint in ASP.NET Core has an Endpoint.Metadata property, which is a collection of metadata items associated with it. This can be accessed in middleware or filters to check for specific attributes or settings.

app.Use(async (context, next) =>
    var endpoint = context.GetEndpoint();
    if (endpoint != null)
        foreach (var metadata in endpoint.Metadata)
            // Process each metadata item, e.g., check for specific attributes
    await next();

2. Adding Metadata with Attributes

Attributes are a straightforward way to add metadata to endpoints. ASP.NET Core recognizes certain attributes and adds them to the endpoint's metadata collection, such as Authorize, HttpGet, and Produces.

public IActionResult ExampleEndpoint()
    return Ok(new { Message = "Hello, World!" });

In the above example, Authorize, HttpGet, and Produces attributes are part of the endpoint’s metadata and can be accessed via Endpoint.Metadata.

3. Custom Metadata

You can create custom metadata classes to attach to endpoints. This is useful when you need specific metadata for custom middleware or filters.

Define a custom metadata class:
public class MyCustomMetadata
    public string CustomProperty { get; }

    public MyCustomMetadata(string customProperty)
        CustomProperty = customProperty;
Add it to an endpoint:
public IActionResult CustomMetadataEndpoint()
    return Ok("This endpoint has custom metadata.");
Access custom metadata in middleware or filters:
var myMetadata = endpoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata<MyCustomMetadata>();
if (myMetadata != null)
    // Use the custom metadata
4. Using EndpointConventionBuilder
When configuring endpoints in ASP.NET Core, EndpointConventionBuilder can be used to add metadata programmatically.
app.MapGet("/example", () => "Hello World!")
   .WithMetadata(new MyCustomMetadata("Custom Value"));
In this example, WithMetadata adds MyCustomMetadata to the /example endpoint.

5. Middleware and Endpoint Metadata
Middleware can use endpoint metadata to conditionally handle requests based on metadata.
app.Use(async (context, next) =>
    var endpoint = context.GetEndpoint();
    if (endpoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata<MyCustomMetadata>() != null)
        // Handle requests with specific metadata

    await next();
6. Analyzing Metadata for Filters and Policies
Metadata can be used for authorization policies, custom filters, or response formatting. For example, ProducesResponseType or AllowAnonymous metadata can affect endpoint behavior in terms of HTTP response or authorization handling.

How to check if any Endpoint exists in HTTP request in ASPNET Core?

In ASP.NET Core, you can check if any endpoint is associated with the current HTTP request by accessing the HttpContext.GetEndpoint() method. This method returns an Endpoint object if an endpoint exists; otherwise, it returns null.

Here's how you can do it in middleware or in your controller:
1. Checking in Middleware
If you want to check if an endpoint exists in middleware, you can create custom middleware that inspects the request's endpoint and then performs any necessary actions.

public class EndpointCheckMiddleware
    private readonly RequestDelegate _next;

    public EndpointCheckMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
        _next = next;

    public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
        var endpoint = context.GetEndpoint();
        if (endpoint == null)
            // No endpoint exists for this request
            context.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status404NotFound;
            await context.Response.WriteAsync("No endpoint found for this request.");

        // Continue to the next middleware if an endpoint exists
        await _next(context);
To register this middleware, add it to the middleware pipeline in Startup.cs:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    // other middleware registrations
2. Checking in Controller or Action Method
If you want to check for an endpoint directly in a controller, use HttpContext.GetEndpoint() like this:

public class MyController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult CheckEndpoint()
        var endpoint = HttpContext.GetEndpoint();

        if (endpoint == null)
            return NotFound("No endpoint found for this request.");

        return Ok("Endpoint exists.");
This approach is helpful if you want to conditionally execute code based on the presence of an endpoint, whether in middleware or controllers.

Q. There must exist at least one Endpoint in HTTP request in ASPNET Core. True or False.
False. In ASP.NET Core, an HTTP request may not necessarily have an associated endpoint. An endpoint is only assigned if the request matches a route that maps to an action, controller, or other endpoint configuration in the application. If the request URL does not match any defined route, HttpContext.GetEndpoint() will return null.
This can happen in cases like:
  • 404 Not Found: When a request is made to a URL that doesn't match any configured routes or endpoints.
  • Static Files or Other Middleware: If the request is for a static file or handled by other middleware that doesn't rely on routing.
  • Custom Middleware Handling: In cases where the request is handled before reaching the routing middleware, there may be no endpoint associated with it.
  • So, an endpoint is not guaranteed to be present in every HTTP request in ASP.NET Core.


ASP.NET Core’s metadata system is versatile, supporting built-in, custom, and attribute-based metadata. This makes it easier to customize endpoint behavior at various points in the request pipeline.

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