Notes: DIR Function
[, attributes])
Returns the name of a file or
directory matching a pattern or attribute (String).
- pathname
The full path of a file or directory (String). - attributes
A vbFileAttribute constant specifying the file attributes (Integer): - 0 = vbNormal
- 1 = vbReadOnly
- 2 = vbHidden
- 4 = vbSystem
- 8 = vbVolume
(Macintosh only)
- 16 = vbDirectory
- 64 = vbAlias
(Macintosh only)
- The pathname can include a directory and drive.
- If the pathname cannot be found, a zero-length string ("")
is returned.
- The attributes parameter can be a constant or a numerical expression.
- If omitted, 0 is used, representing files matching the pathname
with no attributes.
- Wildcard characters:
- *
(matches zero or more characters)
- ?
(matches any single character)
- To iterate over all files in a folder, specify an empty
string ("") for the pathname.
- First call to DIR requires a pathname. Subsequent calls can omit it to retrieve additional
matching file names.
- When no more files exist, an empty string is returned.
- File names are not returned in a particular order. To
display them in order, consider storing them in an array and sorting them.
- The vbAlias and vbVolume attributes are only available on Macintosh.
- Recursive calls to the DIR function are not allowed.
- If attributes > 256, it is assumed to be a MacID value.
- Use DIR$ to return a String data type instead of a
- The MKDIR function can create new directories.
- For SharePoint paths, use forward slashes (/) instead of backslashes (\) between subfolders.
- The equivalent .NET function is Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.Dir
Simple examples:
Example 1: Locate a specific file
Example 2: Find files matching a pattern
Example 3: Get subsequent file names
Example 4: Using a SharePoint path
Detailed Example:
' Capture file names in an array '
Option Base 1
Sub Capturefiles()
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim asFiles() As String
Dim doc As Document
sPath = "d:\C"
ChDrive "d"
ChDir sPath
sFile = Dir(sPath & Application.PathSeparator & "*.c?")
Do While sFile <> ""
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve asFiles(1 To i)
asFiles(i) = sFile
sFile = Dir
If i = 0 Then
MsgBox "No file in the folder"
End If
' Now process the Captured files in array '
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Now copy the whole Active document and paste in this document
For i = 1 To UBound(asFiles)
Set doc = Documents.Open(FileName:=sPath & Application.PathSeparator & asFiles(i))
Selection.TypeText Text:="Program No." & i
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
Selection.Font.Bold = wdToggle
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine
Selection.Font.Bold = True
doc.Saved = True
Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory, Extend:=wdExtend
Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdStory
Selection.PasteAndFormat (wdPasteDefault)
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' Now close all open documents if you missed to use close '
Sub CloseAllDocs()
For Each od In Documents
Next od
End Sub
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