Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Excel VBA- Codes speed test

By Ajeet Kumar


You can carry out same task in different ways in Excel VBA. Suppose you want to add the values of columns A and B to column C. To do this, you can use different methods as shown below. But the time taken to finish the task will be quite different based on technique used. Note that the data range must be large enough to feel the differences in computation time to be significant.

Method 1: Computation Without Using Loop

Sub pR1C1Fastest()
    Dim lngSTART As Long
    Dim lngEND As Long
    lngSTART = Timer
        Range("C2:C900000") = "=RC[-1]+RC[-2]"
    lngEND = Timer
    MsgBox lngEND - lngSTART
End Sub

Method 2: Computation Using Loop in An Array

Sub pArrayFaster()
    Dim varData
    Dim rngData As Range
    Dim lngr As Long
    Dim lngSTART As Long
    Dim lngEND As Long
    lngSTART = Timer
    Set rngData = Range("A2:B900000")
    varData = rngData
    For lngr = LBound(varData) To UBound(varData)
        varData(lngr, 1) = varData(lngr, 1) + varData(lngr, 2)
    Range("C2:C900000") = varData
    lngEND = Timer
    MsgBox lngEND - lngSTART
End Sub

Method 3: Computation Without Using Loop: In fact, it is Method1 but the formulas are converted into values.

Sub pR1C1Fast()
    Dim lngSTART As Long
    Dim lngEND As Long
    lngSTART = Timer
        Range("C2:C900000") = "=RC[-1]+RC[-2]"
        Range("C2:C900000").Value = Range("C2:C900000").Value
    lngEND = Timer
    MsgBox lngEND - lngSTART
End Sub

Method 4: Computation Using Loop on cells of sheet

Sub pRangeUseTooSlow()
    Dim lngr As Long
    Dim lngSTART As Long
    Dim lngEND As Long
    lngSTART = Timer
    For lngr = 2 To 900000
        Range("C" & lngr) = Range("A" & lngr) + Range("B" & lngr)
    lngEND = Timer
    MsgBox lngEND - lngSTART
End Sub

Method 5: Computation Using Dictionary Object

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