Monday, April 19, 2021

MVC Methods to Transfer Data from Controller to View

ViewData is getter and setter property of ViewDataDictionary class. It is used to pass data from Controller to a View. Typecasting can be required in case of ViewData.

Example1: Transfer data from Controller to View using ViewData

Step1. Controllers/HomeController

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace WebViewData.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            string strData = "Ajeet Kumar";
            ViewData["strKey"] = strData;
            int number = 9999;
            ViewData["intKey"] = number;
            List surnames = new List() { "Gupta", "Sharma", "Sethi", "Ambani", "Kapoor", "Jain" };
            ViewData["objKey"] = surnames;

            return View();
Step2. Views/Index
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
        ViewData is getter and setter property of ViewDataDictionary class.
        <br />
        It is used to pass data from Controller to a View.
        <br />
        Typecasting may be needed w.r.t. ViewData.
        <br />
        @ViewData["strKey"] <br />
        @ViewData["intKey"] <br />
        @foreach (var surname in (List<string>)ViewData["objKey"])
Ajeet Kumar
  1. Gupta
  2. Sharma
  3. Sethi
  4. Ambani
  5. Kapoor
  6. Jain
Example2: Transfer data from Controller to View using ViewData, ViewBag and TempDate

Step1 Controllers/HomeController

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Mvc;

namespace MvcController2View.Controllers
    public class HomeController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            List numbers = new List() { 1,2,3,4,5};
            ViewData["Numbers"] = numbers;
            ViewBag.bag = numbers;
            TempData["nums"] = numbers;
            return View();
Step2 Views/Index

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
        <h3>Method1: ViewData</h3>
        @foreach (var number in (List<int>)ViewData["Numbers"])
            @number <br />
        <h3>Method2: ViewBag</h3>
        @foreach (var number in ViewBag.bag)
            @number <span>, </span>
        <h3>Method2: ViewBag, SUM</h3>
            var sum = 0;

        @foreach (var number in ViewBag.bag)
            sum = sum + number;

        <h3>Method3: TempData</h3>
        @foreach (var number in (List<int>)TempData["nums"])
            @number <span>, </span>


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