Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Visual Studio Running Application With or Without degub mode

There are two approaches to run the C# Application.
  1. Starting Application without Debugging, CTRL+F5
  2. Starting Application With Debugging, F5
The commands to execute them are given side by side.

When CTRL+F5 is pressed, the Application ignores all Breakpoints and runs the Application. But if F5 is pressed then the Debugging flag is set True and the Application halts at the Breakpoint.

Look at the following code.

using System;
namespace ConsoleBuildRebuildClean
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Debugger stops here."); //breakpoint here
Pressing CTRL+F5 shows the output in the console window as shown below.
But when we press F5, the code halts at the breakpoint. The snapshot of the code is given below.

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