Monday, November 1, 2021

C# Collections Part1 Array Vs ArrayList

Collections are an important concept in C# programming. There are many important collection classes in the System.Collections namespace such as ArrayList, Hashtable, SortedList, Stack, Queue etc. These classes are used as different types of data structures. These different types of classes have been developed in .NET keeping in mind the different requirements.

The general meaning of a collection is a collection of objects. These different  items within the collection can be similar or dissimilar. Array is a collection of similar types of elements while ArrayList is a collection of dissimilar types of elements.

Array is a collection in .NET's System namespace, in which all elements are of same datatype. So Array is a type safe data structure but one of its limitations is that it can store only a predetermined number of elements. This means that once the size of the array is initially determined, its size cannot be increased or decreased.

Although its size can be changed using the Resize method with Array, but by doing this, a new Array object is created which copies the data of the old Array into this new Array.

The example of Array is explained in the following code.

using System;
namespace ArrayClass
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // array is created using new keyword
            // array size must be given or array must be initialized 
            int[] arrInt = new int[4];
            Console.WriteLine("Array size is {0}", arrInt.Length);
            //auto initialized
            Console.WriteLine("Auto initialized value at 0 index is {0}", arrInt[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("Auto initialized value at 1 index is {0}", arrInt[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("Auto initialized value at 2 index is {0}", arrInt[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("Auto initialized value at 3 index is {0}", arrInt[3]);
            arrInt[0] = 11;
            arrInt[1] = 21;
            arrInt[2] = 13;
            arrInt[3] = 14;
            Console.WriteLine("Reinitialized value at 0 index is {0}", arrInt[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("Reinitialized value at 1 index is {0}", arrInt[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("Reinitialized value at 2 index is {0}", arrInt[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("Reinitialized value at 3 index is {0}", arrInt[3]);
            //resize array using Array.Resize() method
            Array.Resize(ref arrInt, 6);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 0 index is {0}", arrInt[0]);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 1 index is {0}", arrInt[1]);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 2 index is {0}", arrInt[2]);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 3 index is {0}", arrInt[3]);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 0 index is {0}", arrInt[4]);
            Console.WriteLine("After resize, value at 1 index is {0}", arrInt[5]);
            //sort array using Array.Sort() method
            for (int i = 0; i < arrInt.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("After sorting, value at {0} index is {1}" , i, arrInt[i]);
            // array size not given but array initialized 
            string[] cities = new string[] { "Delhi", "Agra", "Patna", "Bhopal"};
            foreach (string city in cities)
            // array size not given but array initialized without new keyword 
            string[] continents = { "Asia", "Europe", "Africa", "Australia" };
            foreach (string continent in continents)
            //copy array into another array
            string[] continents2 = new string[5];
            Array.Copy(continents, continents2, continents.Length);
            continents2[4] = "America";
            foreach (var cont in continents2)
            // convert array datatype using Array.ConvertAll method
            float[] numbers = new float[5];
            numbers[0] = 1.43f;
            numbers[1] = 2.75f;
            numbers[2] = 4.70f;
            numbers[3] = 8.80f;
            numbers[4] = 7.50f;
            double[] dblNumbers = Array.ConvertAll(numbers, new Converter( n=>Convert.ToDouble(n)));
            Console.WriteLine("Float to Double conversion:\n");
            for (int i = 0; i < dblNumbers.Length; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(numbers[i] +" => "+ dblNumbers[i]);
Cinema hall vs Website
Therefore, while Array provides type safety on one hand, on the other hand it does not give the flexibility to change the size. If the requirement of the business is such that the size of the data does not have to be changed, then you can use Array. For example the number of seats in a cinema hall. After the construction of the cinema hall, number of seats in the audience hall is fixed. Use of Array is desirable for such case. In contrast, the number of user members of a website cannot be fixed. Initially the number of members may be 30-40 but with time its number may increase immensely. So Array is not desirable in such situation.

ArrayList as Collection or Data Structure
Keeping in mind the limitation of Array, a class named ArrayList has been created inside the System.Collections namespace. The merit of this .NET ready-made class is that in this case, the number of elements in the ArrayList class can be increased or decreased according to the requirement.

While Array is typesafe, ArrayList is not typesafe. All the elements in Array have the same data type but elements of ArrayList can be of different datatypes.

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ProjectArrayList
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ArrayList Employee = new ArrayList();
            //ArrayList accepts all types of data because it adds Object type data
            //list ArrayList Employee data
            foreach (var data in Employee)
            //Object Initializer to add items in one step
            ArrayList Product = new ArrayList() { "Mobile", 200000, "Black", "Samsung", "J7-Prime" };
            //accessing ArrayList object using index
            for (int i = 0; i < Product.Count; i++)
            //There are several methods of ArrayList to add items, to remove items in several ways
            //Create an ArrayList object called Student
            ArrayList Student = new ArrayList() { 1, "Anand", "MCA", "Semester5", true, 20000 };
            //add item at the end of the Student items
            //insert at a specified index postion
            Student.Insert(2, "Gupta");
            foreach (var item in Student)

            //remove an item
            //remove an item at index position
            foreach (var item in Student)

            Console.WriteLine("Total items in Student ArrayList object: {0}", Student.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Capacity of Student ArrayList object: {0}", Student.Capacity);
            Console.WriteLine("BCA item exists or not: {0}",Student.Contains("BCA"));
Index vs Key
In the above example, we have seen some important properties and methods of ArrayList. Like Array, the elements of ArrayList are selected on the basis of index. This can sometimes cause problems. Suppose the number of members under the ArrayList is very high, then in such a situation, to access a particular member, its index number will have to be seen. Sometimes it may happen that its index number will be wrongly entered by the programmer and in such case programming error will occur in the code. This problem is also with Array because Arrays are also based on index. To avoid this situation, it is desirable to use key instead of index. The key is used to access a member within a Hashtable collection. Hashtable is in the System.Collections namnamespace like ArrayList.

using System;
using System.Collections;

namespace ProjectHashtable
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Hashtable Laptop = new Hashtable();
            Laptop.Add("Acer", "20000,Black");
            Laptop.Add("HP", "30000,White");
            Laptop.Add("Asus", "45000,Silver");
            Laptop.Add("Apple", "60000,Gold");
            foreach (var value in Laptop.Values)

            foreach (var key in Laptop.Keys)
            Console.WriteLine("Count Items in Laptop: {0}",Laptop.Count);
            //does not throw exception if key is not found
            Console.WriteLine("Count Items in Laptop: {0}",Laptop.Count);

Edited on 5th July 2023

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