Saturday, May 9, 2020

XML Schema Definition

Ajit Kumar 9 May 2020

What is XML Schema Definition?

Before understanding XML Schema Definition, it is important to know what XML is. XML is a technology with which data can be transferred to any environment. XML is an open technology and is unobtrusive to any operating system. This means that data in the environment of any operating system can be easily transferred from one application to another with the help of XML technology.

To understand XML schema definition, we give an example. Suppose you have a table and that table contains the data of the employees of a company. This means that different types of data types and their default values ​​are possible in different columns of the table. Also, the table will have a fixed layout and format. If we focus only on data, then the help of XML technology has to be taken to transfer this data. But XML schema definition is used to determine the layout of the data table, the data type of the column and its default value, etc.

This means that any XML document is also accompanied by an XML schema definition file and with the help of this schema document, the presentation of the XML document i.e. layout etc. is determined. Whenever an XML document is used by an application, an application called XML parser is invoked which determines whether the document is well-formed or not. An XML parser is virtually a DLL file. Internet Explorer usually has the XML parser associated with it by default, and whenever an XML document is opened by Internet Explorer, the XML parser reads it and presents it to the web browser.

You might be wondering what a DLL is. In fact, a DLL is a program file made up of some functions, which can be executed by applications. XML parser DLL is also made up of some functions within it that are used in parsing an XML document. If the XML document is well-formed, that is, the tags hierarchy is proper as per rules, then such XML document is called well-formed.

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